Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chasing Mr Right - How to Ensure He Falls in Love With You

Are you 100% certain that you can make a mall fall in love with you? Do you have the knowledge to get him to commit? Can you list the reasons men fall head over heels for women? There was not a class on this in school, but you can ensure that your man will fall in love with you.

Before you learn two habits to practice in order to turn your relationship into a lifelong affair, you must first understand how men behave. Men can fall in and out of love on a daily basis. This is because they often cannot tell the difference between love and desire. You can show him the difference, and when you do, you will be loved more than you ever thought possible.

One habit you want to practice to guarantee he falls in love with you is by being there. Showing your cleavage and buying him expensive gifts is not the same thing as being there. Being there means you are with him when he needs you most, with an open ear and an open heart. In time, he will naturally associate you being there with optimism and will want you with him as much as possible.

Letting him walk ahead of you in the relationship is another way to give him the space to fall in love. Men tend to take their time when they are earnest about building a future with a woman. Forcing him to commit when he is not ready could be the mistake you will never forget.

Men always make their own decisions, and they always take their time. Still if you practice the two habits of being there for him and following his lead, it is safe to say he will eventually fall in love with you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Two Simple Tricks to Make a Guy Fall in Love

How can some women snap their fingers and make men fall in love? Have you read the book that gives you the secrets to a guy's heart? Why can't you get him to say those three magic words? If you're completely clueless, join the club. Be happy though because membership comes with two simple tricks to help you make your guy fall in love.

For men, lust is obvious, but when it comes to love, it's like exposing to them to a television set without cable. They have no idea of what it is or what to do with it. Since they know what lust is, and they know what it can do for them, it's the easy choice.

If would be easier for women if love was just as obvious as lust. Showing up at his apartment wearing nothing but a trench coat and high heels would be the catalyst for a marriage proposal. Unfortunately, love and lust are not the same. With these two simple tricks, you can help him recognize the difference and fall in love with you.

Trick 1: Make Him Roll Over (with laughter)

Seriously, make him feel. Touch him in places where he's never been touched, without your hands, tongue, lips, or any part of you. Let him know how special he is to you by supporting him in everything he does. Listen when he's not even making sense, and over time, he will see you as a presence in his life that he doesn't want to live without.

Trick 2: Don't Apply a Leash

Let him walk alone; he can do it because he's a big boy. Even if you're way ahead of him and already looking at honeymoon brochures, don't try and kidnap him at friendship point. Go back to the point and walk slowly with him. If you rush him when he's not ready, he's going to nip at you, and it might be a bite that ends the relationship you do have.

Of course men aren't dogs, but they do have their own way of doing things. Nevertheless by using these two tricks, you can still come out on top by making him fall in love with you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more

Strategies Used by the Professionals to Make a Man Fall in Love

Wouldn't it be great to know the strategies used by the professionals to make a guy fall in love with you? How do you make a man go ape over you? What can you do to win that guy's heart? Here a few strategies used by all the women who appear to make men fall in love with them by simply snapping their fingers.

Strategy #1: Understand How Men Think

Accept that men are brain dead when it comes to figuring themselves out. Men don't analyze things the way that women do; men just go with their feelings. Love and lust mean the same thing to them. You know the difference and don't forget it.

Strategy #2: Don't Sell Yourself Short

As dear old Grandmama Lucy used to say, "why in the heck is a man gonna buy the cow when he can get the milk for free?" He's certainly not going to do that in a bad economy. Go ahead and send that teddy back to Frederick's of Hollywood; you're looking for love, not a one night stand. Remember this proven method, and you'll be well on your way to making him fall in love with you.

Strategy #3: Become a Part of His Happiness

Someone once said all you have to do to get a man excited is to turn off the lights. If that were true, then a man would fall in love with the first girl to find his light switch; instead, men fall in love with women who make them feel special. These are the women who captivate them with the little things like learning about his interests, buying his favorite magazines, and baking cookies like the ones his mom used to bake. These are his pleasures, and from now on, when he thinks of what makes him happy, he'll think of you.

Strategy #4: The Big One - Follow His Pace

Love is wonderful, and you're so excited that he should be excited about it as well. But guess what - you're not playing follow the leader. If he's going to fall in love with you, it will be when he's ready, not when you want him to be. Asking him to make a commitment when he's not ready will destroy the relationship that you love so much.

Using these strategies practiced by the experts, you'll have Mr. Right falling in love with you in no time.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website

Become Addictive - Make Any Man Fall in Love With You

Will you do anything to make a man fall in love with you? Do you feel that you can't get the man you want? Why do some women seem to have all the men? If you are sick and tired of asking these questions, then you should become addictive, and then any man will fall in love with you.

Years ago women were taught to be good housewives and also to be quiet. You always had to be the perfect woman. Now things have changed, and you will need to change too if you want to get your man.

Today, getting a man requires more than being able to roast a turkey and bake a cake from scratch. To make any man fall in love, a woman must make herself addictive. She must become something the man feels he cannot live without.

What do you need to do to become addictive? First of all, you need to know how wonderful you are, and because of that, you should know that you can have any man you want. When you walk down the street, hold you head up high and smile. Confidently love you, and other people will want to love you too.

Another pill you must swallow to become addictive is to try and understand the male psyche. All men have their quirks and ways of telling a woman what he wants, needs, and thinks without even speaking. In order to find out what your man wants, you need to understand how he thinks. If you can't give him what he needs, then he's going to look for a woman who can.

To become addictive, you need to always remember these three things.

1. Don't be afraid to change your ideas.

2. Believe in yourself or he won't either.

3. Make an effort to understand him. You can't talk to him if you don't speak his language.

Changing how you think is a huge part of attracting a man. Once you alter your mindset about yourself and men, you are going to be completely addictive, and with barely an arm crossing and a blink, you will be able to make any man fall in love with you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

3 Simple Moves to Convince Him Your Love is True

Have you ever been worried about telling a guy how you truly feel? Are you concerned that if you tell him you love him, that he won't believe you? How can you convince him that you love him enough to move on to the next stage of your relationship? Convincing him your love is true isn't brain surgery; you only need to make three simple moves.

Your First Move

· Believe it or not, you should act like you're really not that into him. It sounds weird, but you have to do this.

· Too much attention and affection will have a man running for the hills; it's just the way they're wired. Don't go overboard with the pet names in front of his friends or at his job. Play it easy and let him come to you.

The Second Move

· When it comes to your relationship progressing, follow his lead. If he calls you every other day, you shouldn't try and call him eight times a day, every day. There's a law against behavior like that; it's called a stalking law. You can't make the moves to convince him your love is true from a jail cell.

· Pay attention to how your man behaves; his behavior will let you know where his head is right now. If he's going home for the holidays and not inviting you, don't make it a point to invite yourself. When he's ready for you to come home and meet the family, he will invite you. Until then, sit back and plan a wonderful evening for his return.

The Final Move

· As much as it's eating you up inside, don't share your love with him first. He'll feel pressured to commit and may even run away.

· Remember, men enjoying chasing women, and there is no pleasure in catching something that doesn't run. Resist him all the way, and eventually, he'll finally give in to his heart.

A Summary

Don't give a guy too much attention and be careful to not rush him. In addition, ignore your feelings until the time is right. Making these three moves will convince him your love is true.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

You Can Make Any Man Fall in Love

Do you find yourself confused about what it takes to get a man? Do you think it's impossible to make any man fall in love with you? Are you beginning to think that maybe love has passed you by? Well stop! Never think that. It serves you no purpose. Negative thinking will only bring negativity into your life. If you really want to move forward remember that a positive attitude can make any man fall in love.

Perhaps you're right to have a few concerns. Modern life is more complicated. Relationships are more complicated. With so many options out there, it's not always easy to know what people are looking for. Well, guess what? You don't have to know what anyone else is looking for, you only have to know what you are looking for. You are a modern woman and you are of this world. You can be adaptable but as a modern woman, you can set your own terms. This doesn't mean laying down the law and never shifting an inch. But it does mean protecting yourself and being true to your heart's desire. No man is ever interested in a flimsy floozy. By being a real woman you can make any man fall in love.

A man is searching for the woman who responds to his feelings. Never forget that men have feelings too. They may also be dealing with bad baggage from past relationships, just like you. When it comes to embarking on a new relationship when the memory of old one lurks in the background, men are much more wary of making the jump the next time. They are much more cautious with their feelings than women are. That doesn't mean they don't have feelings. The opposite. When it comes to feelings, men have bags of patience. They are totally prepared to wait for the woman who wants to get to know them, who they really are and what they really need. If you are prepared to do this, you are well on the way to make any man fall in love with you.

But before you get to this stage you have to open yourself up to the game of attraction. Find some one you like and let yourself be attracted. The truth is you know this game and if you let yourself play it, you might just make any man fall in love.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Make a Guy Fall in Love in 3 Easy Steps

Are you day-dreaming about a certain guy? Do you go weak at the knees every time this guy walks into the room? Are you wondering if it's possible to make a guy fall in love? Well if your answer to those three questions is yes, yes, yes. Guess what? We have here some easy steps that will convince you that it is possible to make a guy fall in love. Not only that, by following these little steps, you could make your guy fall in love with you.

Step One

Bond. Yes, it's such a simple word and such a simple concept but one that's not so easy to turn into a reality. But if you have any chance of a lasting relationship, this is where you want to start. Ask some friends who are happily in love how their relationship started and I'll bet you, the vast majority were friends long before they were lovers. That is the true meaning of bonding. If you don't get a man to care for you for who you really are before you embark on a relationship, it will be more difficult to do so once sex enters the arena. Taking time to bond is about taking time with the relationship. Get to know one another and not just your likes and dislikes but also your fears, hopes and dreams. If you can get a guy to share his dreams with you, you are on the way to make a guy fall in love.

Step Two

Admire. Everybody enjoys a little admiration and in this instance, this can really work in your favour. By being brave enough to show this guy your true self, you open up the possibility that he could really admire you. By being vivacious and not being afraid to give him a little special attention, he will not be able to resist admiration for you.

Step Three

Delay. Yes, you've guessed what we're going to advise you to delay - sex. Physical contact with your heart's desire should be the last hurdle on the road to love. You can only really guarantee a true physical connection when you've developed a bond with this guy and you are confident that the relationship is built on respect and admiration. Sort those things and the way is open for a truly amazing physical connection. Not only that, but you've just set the wheels in motion to make a guy fall in love.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

How Attraction Works and How to Make it Work For You

Being single and dating has definitely changed. I have noticed, as well as other singles, that the dating scene has become a difficult process. I started to blame something outside of myself; the trap we all fall into. I was starting to blame the Internet. The Internet is a great tool in so many ways but there is always a positive and negative with every invention. Now the whole idea of dating on the Internet is a great idea as we are so busy with our lives that why not meet men and woman in the privacy of our own home?

I have come across so many challenges but this morning I woke up with a very powerful thought I would like to share for all the single men and woman:

What we believe is truly what we create. I blog this all the time...yet sometimes we have to dig very deep to look at I have. I was recently reminded that if you attract lying, deceitful men then you, yourself are lying and deceitful to yourself. I had to look at that closely and realized that in my early upbringing I was actually taught that concept by my mother and father. A lot of these concepts are subliminal and we don't even realize it until the situation happens over and over.

I also attract men who are completely disrespectful to me and only seem interested in sex. Well I was also told that men are only after one thing, therefore if I believe that, I create that for myself.

My point is that you truly are the master of your own destiny. So this is a friendly reminder that everything that happens in your life that you do not like, step back and seriously look at yourself because your own thoughts created it.

In the meantime I also wanted to share a valuable insight that came to me this morning. I have noticed that men with these traits are all exactly the same. So until you can fix yourself and change your outcome, then, in the meantime, notice this pattern as I did. There are millions of men and woman who experience this issue so this is what I noticed:

1. First the person acts totally interested.
2. Secondly they only want to email and chat but never ask to meet you. Then they ask for your yahoo ID to chat or your cell number. As far as yahoo they might never chat at all with you or just say hi and "feel" you out and move on.
3. If they get your number then they start sending you pictures. First the pictures are of them clothed then they send unclothed pictures!!!! Never once have they asked to meet you for coffee or a drink first.
4. If they do then it's "my place or yours", or come to my house and watch a movie, or he wants to cook for you, etc...etc.
5. If that scenario does not happen then they most likely ask for your cell phone number. You are possibly thinking he will finally set up a meeting but that doesn't happen either.
6. The next step is they want to exchange pictures. They usually start with respectful pictures and then the naked pictures start to show up to see what you will do.

This is a pattern that I have found amongst all men I have met no matter what their age. I know it is not happening just to me. I have heard from the men that woman do this to them also.

So if you want to change your dating outcome you MUST look at yourself and notice what it is about yourself that needs changing. Take responsibility for your outcomes, whether it be man or woman.

The best start is to start loving yourself and loving and accepting everyone on this planet. If you can't love and accept yourself how can you love someone else? Check into your old programs and just stop the movie...take as much time as you need. If you keep attracting these types of people then at least notice these signs. Then tell yourself you still need work. When you start attracting what you always wanted then reward yourself for the changes that you have made within yourself.

Most importantly, look at the signs, the outcome, and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY...and don't forget to REWARD YOURSELF for your growth. Don't fall into the trap as we all do and look outside of yourself and blame...because if, for instance, you believe the Internet is full of horrible men and woman, then it is exactly what I or You will attract.

We all want love and to be loved. So begin today and remember, "Empowering Thoughts, Change Your Life."

Maxine Whitfield
Spiritual Coach
Divine Master
Empowering Thoughts, Change Your Life

for guidance visit my web page

my first published book is now available at "How To Step Out of Fear and Reclaim Your Life".

Make a Guy Fall in Love With the Real You

Are you aching to make a guy fall in love with the real you? Do you know you already possess everything you need to make a guy go crazy for you? Are you ready for true love? If you think you are, then here's some advice that will not only point you in the right direction, it will help you get what you want and make a guy fall in love with you.

Firstly we have to tackle the issue of emotions. You don't have to read 'Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars' to know that when it comes to emotions, men and women have different triggers and very different ways of dealing with those triggers. While men like to keep things simple and uncomplicated, women want the opposite.

After a hard week at work, men like to go out with their mates, cruise bars, drink, laugh and ogle gorgeous women. If the night goes well, they'll be lucky enough to score a gorgeous woman and get her home to his bed. This qualifies as a successful night out for a guy. For a woman however, it means something totally different. Forget the fact that we had a sexual revolution and women can pick and choose men in much the same way men can. Underneath the bravado, a woman rarely sleeps with a guy she doesn't like and som even hope that the one-night stand can become something meaningful. Whether she admits it or not, secretly she hopes her act of love might make a guy fall in love.

From a woman's point of view, this is a total and utter waste of time. One thing that both men and women agree on is that one-night stands have nothing to do with love and everything to do with lust. While both men and women can happily fall prey to the lure of lust, it's the aftermath that is potentially most damaging for a woman.

If you do enjoy an evening of lust with a man, leave it at that. Yes, walk away. No matter how much you might thing you had a special connection or even if he told you that you were the most beautiful thing he ever saw, walk away. Don't take his number. Don't wait for him to call. What you had was lust. And confusing lust with love is no way to make a guy fall in love with you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

The Proven Way to Make a Guy Fall in Love With YOU

Do you long for someone to really fall in love with you? Are you tired of one night stands? Does the thought of another two week long romance make you want to scream? Are you ready for a real, meaningful, and long-lasting relationship? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then stop moping and get ready for your wishes to come true! Just follow one simple step to make your dream guy fall head over heels in love with you.

Let's be realistic. Your usual methods, and those of friends around you, have not worked. Flaunting yourself and your body and appealing to his sexual drive will not cause a guy to fall in love. His interest will be piqued; there is no question about that. But before long, unless he feels a deeper connection with you--he'll be going after another girl whose looks have caught his eye. There is no shortage of beautiful women to gaze upon.

Appeal to His Love Personality Type

How does your man receive love? For most guys, this is with kind and sweet words of admiration and adoration. Find personality traits or interests he has that you admire and then tell him! And cut the criticisms, sarcasm, and negativity out completely. Trust me; he doesn't want to date someone who acts like a mom or a sister. Before he falls in love is not the time to change him...but after he falls in love he will trust you enough to listen to any of your suggestions, for sure.

Speaking words that show admiration may not be one of your strengths, but you must learn how to do it if you want him to fall in love with you. Practice on your friends, your neighbors, even your dog if you have to, but always make it sincere and genuine.

If words don't seem to affect him greatly, he might be the type who appreciates admiring actions that you can take. For example, you might make him homemade cookies, leave a kind note in his car, or even hold his hand in public. The key is to find out what makes him tick and pursue that area with great passion. Men that feel admired feel loved.

If you can follow this simple, but profound, rule-then watch out! Your guy will be falling in love with you before he even realizes it.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

The Modern Girl's Plan to Make Him Fall in Love

Do you believe that a guy can still fall in love in this current world? Have the new rules of dating left you confused? Is love even possible for the younger generation? Do you have a plan of action? Well, there are new rules of dating that are guaranteed to make the guy you have your eyes on fall in love with you.

Years ago, men chose women to be their partners in life based on their skills as a homemaker and their submissively sweet attitudes. Since most women followed along with this mold, outward appearances usually became the main concern as far as the men were concerned. This personality trait has changed over time.

Today, women have evolved and are expected to fill many more roles than in the past. By offering the complete package, which is rare, you can guarantee that your guy will be falling in love with you before you even thought possible.

Basically, you have to start with the former attitudes of the past. It is alright for both men and women to submit to various aspects of the relationship. No one person should be in charge of everything. For that reason, make sure you show off your compromising and listening ear every once in awhile. Let him choose which restaurant for your next date, or spend some conversations just about him where you practice listening and focusing on his opinions.

Next, you add to these traits some newer personality factors from the present day. Women are educated, powerful, and multi-tasking dynamos. By showing your guy that you are an independent girl who can take care of herself, you will be endearing yourself to him. Many women today get this step right and neglect to showcase their softer, more feminine side.

By combining just a few characteristics from the past and present day woman, your guy will soon realize what a treasure he has found. It will only be a matter of time before he is falling in love with you - the perfect package of past and present - today's real modern woman.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Make Him Fall in Love With You in Two Easy Steps

Is there really a way to make a guy fall in love with you? How have other women managed to accomplish this feat? Why are you able to attract men initially, but not see them stick around? The answer can be found in two simple steps that will have any guy you want falling in love with you.

Go With the Flow

Let go of the reins for once in your life and let the guy lead the progress of the relationship at first. He'll appreciate your trust and confidence in him, and who knows, you might enjoy the break from always being in charge. Women are planners and like to run relationships. They typically do a better job at it, so why is this a problem?

For starters, women have completely different timetables for relationships then men. They fall in love more quickly and will usually have the entire wedding planned out before the guy even realizes that they are a couple. It would be extremely undesirable for any man to have this type of schedule thrust upon him when he was just starting to get to know you.

Men also do not want to be told what to do by a bossy girlfriend. By easing up on the progression and just enjoying each day with patience, you can rest assured that he will fall in love with you, according to his timetable. Although guys typically take longer to fall in love than women do, it is possible, and even probable; if they are given the chance to move at their own pace in the beginning.

Show an Interest in Their Interests

This is a relatively easy feat to accomplish, yet it is widely overlooked by many. Ask questions about his job, his family, his friends, his hobbies. Don't ask about his ex-girlfriends. That can come later...much later.

Then follow through with what you have gleaned from your conversations. Write down notes if you have to when you get home, but don't forget to ask questions about things he has previously mentioned. Inquire about his presentation at work he told you about...ask him how his soccer game went. Better yet, GO to his soccer game and force yourself to watch the entire thing.

By following these specific steps, you will have the object of your affections falling in love with you and thanking his lucky stars that he found someone like you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

The Three Best Steps to Get Him to Fall in Love

How can you get a guy to fall in love with you? When is the right time to take your relationship to the next level? Is there anything you can do to affect how your guy feels about you? By following three basic steps, you can get the right guy to fall in love; and soon you'll be on your way to relationship bliss.

Receiving Love

The first step is to learn how he receives love. Once you learn what makes him tick, you'll be able to apply specific methods to make him feel special. Then he will feel safe and allow himself to fall in love with you. You will want to put your efforts into the areas that will bring the quickest results. Work smarter, not harder.

For example, some guys would love a written note of appreciation for their friendship with you. They might save the card or even post it somewhere in their home or office. Others would barely notice or possibly lose the card before reading it.

Another kind gesture is grabbing your guy in public for a loving kiss. Again, some guys would love this and take it to mean you are proud of him and like showing him off. A different guy might hate public displays of affection and feel embarrassed by the whole situation. It is immensely important to find out if he prefers words, gifts, PDA, or just your undivided attention.

Don't Be Afraid

You need to open up and allow yourself to be vulnerable with your love interest. This doesn't mean talking about your relationship, but other things going on in your life. He has to feel that you trust him enough to tell him things you are experiencing in your life and not just superficial nonsense. Even if you've been hurt in the past, just open up anyway and remember that this guy has nothing to do with how other people may have responded.

Back Off

Be diligent to make sure you give him the space he needs. Guys typically need more space than girls and you don't want to overwhelm him. If a guy feels smothered or pressured, his main defense mechanism is to run away, and fast. To ensure just the opposite, simply give him plenty of time away if that is what he needs, and don't complain or whine about it later.

If you diligently follow these three steps, you will be setting yourself up for a wonderful and happy relationship with a guy who has found himself falling in love with you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Choosing a Sacred Love Partner With Your Emotional Body Wisdom

The best dating advice I can offer you is that our bodies have infinite intelligence. The body's wisdom is designed to help guide us towards happiness and fulfillment. Each area of the body speaks for a different part of our psychology for romance. We tend to be most comfortable with using our minds to give us rational understanding and to draw conclusions and make decisions. However different parts of our bodies can give us an even more accurate reading about a given situation if we learn how to utilize it.

The heart, sexual and spiritual centers can be instrumental in helping one decide if a prospective love relationship would be right or not. In modern history the heart has been regarded as a voice of relationship intelligence. Literature, music and romantic films have spun numerous accounts of someone lead by their heart towards an object of love or fleeing from a partner because their heart has been broken.

We can utilize the hearts intelligence to discover if someone is a good love or even a true love match for us by observing what emotions we feel in our heart when we are around or think of a potential love partner. Are we experiencing love, happiness, and laughter or are we feeling tense, uncomfortable, and insecure in the heart? One may feel a combination of emotions which means that spending more time with that person will be essential to getting a clear reading and making a wise decision.

Our sex center can also provide us valuable information and insight into choosing an appropriate romantic partner. We can tune in to our sexual emotional body wisdom to discern its more subtle messages for love and sexual relationships. The sexual organs will either initially exhibit attraction, what some refer to as chemistry, or repulsion towards a potential partner. But that is only an initial indicator of whether someone may be an appropriate sexual match. If we observe a sexual attraction objectively, the sexual center will also share broader feelings with us.

For instance; we can learn to detect what sensations are present in the sex center when we see or think of a potential partner. Are there feelings of openness, relaxation, and positive energy, or are there feelings of resistance, numbness, discomfort and pain in the sex center? We may feel some of both. Mixed sensations would indicate that you will need more information before you can get a clear reading, about a potential partner.

Spiritual Connection is deeply important to developing a sacred relationship. The spiritual center in the body is between the crown of the head and the third eye point between the eyebrows. One can tune into the spiritual energy in a potential partner through two ways. First communicate, share your values, beliefs, and the experiences that are meaningful to you and ask questions about theirs. Be aware if there is harmony in those values and beliefs, and if you perceive that you can grow and be supported in your spiritual nature and chosen path. The spiritual aspect dictates how long and to what capacity the partnership could nurture each souls personal evolution. One can also observe the spiritual energy emanating from a potential partner and be aware of how their energy feels with yours. Does their spiritual energy make you feel light, serene, comforted, inspired or does it make you feel heavy, disturbed, cold, confused? Time and observation are the best tools for this analysis.

To make the best decision of whether a relationship will be right for you or not; the heart, sexual and spiritual energies have to be accounted for. When an intimate relationship is a sacred match our heart, sexual and spiritual centers will feel equally good and in unanimous agreement. When it is not right they will unanimously disagree. The tricky part is when these voices are experiencing different things which are in conflict. One may feel love for someone that may not be the appropriate partner to bond with sexually. A person that you feel a great sexual attraction towards may not be the appropriate partner to open and share your heart with. One may feel a deep spiritual connection with someone that they do not feel love or sexual chemistry for. In this case it is best to reflect on the subtle messages in your heart, sexual and spiritual centers before making a decision.

There are other factors that contribute to great relationships including respect, honesty generosity, receptivity and having compatible desires and needs for relationships. However, discovering how to listen to the heart, sexual and spiritual voices and tune into them together is key to good relationship decision making. Continued practice will help one learn to clearly evaluate their signals and trust their guidance. When the heart, sexual and spiritual centers meet in approval; you will gain more trust in your own emotional body wisdom to help you choose sacred joyful, loving relationships.

Karinna Kittles-Karsten, The Love Educator is the founder of featuring online dating and fun, empowering couples memberships. She is an internationally recognized relationship expert, speaker, author of the best-selling book, Intimate Wisdom, The Sacred Art of Love, and the creator/host of the popular DVD Sacred Love-Making

The Amazing Breakthrough That Will Make Any Guy Fall in Love

Has it been a long time since a guy has fallen in love with you? Are you good at attracting men, but inept at keeping them? Do you desire a deep and committed relationship? Well, this is your time. Read and adopt the following breakthrough method and you will see how fast your guy will be falling in love with you!

Emotionally healthy people attract emotionally healthy people. Needy people attract needy people. Hurting people attract hurting people. This is a basic but far-reaching rule of human relationships. A truly hurting or needy person will never be able to experience satisfaction in their love life. They will never be able to truly fall in love. Therefore, the breakthrough is this:

Get healthy, both emotionally and physically.

It will be most beneficial for you in the long run if you can work through any emotional baggage that you may be carrying. While it is not an easy process to trudge through past hurts and injustices, it is imperative if you want to have a healthy love relationship in your future. Once your emotional health is strong and secure, the physical health will just fall into place. This is why many diet plans don't work. They deal with the external factors instead of the internal ones.

There are many ways to accomplish this goal. A strong support group of friends and family is of utmost importance. Boundaries may have to be set up with family members who have hurt you in the past. Don't ever feel bad about hurting someone's feelings during this process. If they are in your life and they are pulling you down, you owe it to yourself and your future spouse to say goodbye and close yourself off from them. Let them find someone else to make miserable as you move on ahead with your life.

A girl who is emotionally and physically healthy will never have any problems attracting and keeping a member of opposite sex. Have you ever noticed the type of girl who always has the guys falling for her? She walks tall; she exudes confidence.

By working through this one basic premise, you too will be that girl. You too will be the one who has every guy falling in love with her.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Make Him Fall in Love With You Using Bonding Techniques

Has your guy not fallen in love with you yet? Do you wonder if it will ever happen? Are you struggling to know what to do to kick the relationship up a notch? The following bonding techniques will solve these questions and others you may be struggling with. They will make your guy fall in love with you as naturally as the sun rises in the morning.

Increase Emotional Bond

By making the emotional bond stronger between you, he will slowly become to depend on you and trust will be built. This trust is a breeding ground for true love. The bond is easily built through open communication.

One way to expand the emotional connection is to open up and share honest feelings with him. You don't want to sound flighty or whiny, however. Guys don't want to be with someone who gets overly emotional about little things. Instead of opening up about your roommate and how you think she secretly doesn't like you (which can be construed as a typical girl being super sensitive), talk to him about your goals, your fears, and more big-picture topics.

Increase Spiritual Bond

Studies have shown that friends or couples that pray together or go to religious services or activities together are more closely connected than those that don't. This is also an easy way to learn more about him, his family, and his upbringing. Even going to an outreach project or serving together in the community will strengthen this bond. When he is involved with multiple areas of your life, he will be more inclined to fall in love with you.

Decrease Physical Bond

This may seem counter-productive but it is absolutely imperative. Once a strong physical connection is made, it has a way of taking over the relationship and stunting the growth in other areas which lead to love. For that reason, it is better to grow the bonds in other areas before opening up Pandora's box; delay the sexual relationship for as long as possible. If you don't, deep down he will not 100% respect you and you can't truly love someone that you don't respect.

By working on these bonding areas, your relationship will blossom and move into the type of love that you have been desiring. Your guy will surely fall in love with you, and soon you'll be the girl that all your friends approach for dating advice.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Understanding Love

Love means having deep and warm feelings about oneself and others. It involves happiness and responsibilities.I'll bet you hear about "love" all the time. Most of us know about some kinds of love - we love our parents, we love our brothers and sisters, and we love our friends. We already know that we can love a lot of different people, and that loving one person doesn't mean that we love anyone else any less.
Love could be:
- Self love- love for oneself.
- Friendship love for friends.
- Filial - love for parents and relations.
- Romantic - love expressed by spouses and date partners.
- Complete - Involves commitment, intimacy and passion.
- Infatuation - love at first sight, very passionate but dies quickly.

But we've also heard of another kind of love - the kind of love that people in a romantic relationship may feel for each other. I want to talk about that kind, as well as the other kinds in the world. Sometimes we confuse love with other emotions - with possessiveness, or jealousy. We need to know how to distinguish these emotions from love, which means having deep and warm feelings about oneself and others.It involves happiness and responsibilities.
Important qualities in a loving relationship include:
- Tolerance
- Respect
- Trust
- Passion
- Honesty
- Care

Necessary skills that enhances love in a relationship include:
- Understanding
- Communication
- Sharing
- Helping
- Listening
- Planning together

Positive love involves:
• Commitment, Care, Companionship... Trust, Honesty, Tolerance... Respect, Forgiveness, Acceptance... Understanding, Responsibility, Reliability, Confidence
What a long list! Can you really find all those qualities in one relationship? And how do you make sure that you are using all of them? All you need do is to express some positive behaviours:

Behaviours that enhance loving relationships:
• Mutual respect
• Good communication
• Thoughtfulness
• Sharing
• Making future plans together
• Working towards mutual goals
• Tolerance
• Remembering important dates e.g. birthdays.

Compassion and love are strongly connected, but they aren't the same thing. But you're right; all the behaviours that show love also show compassion. To be compassionate is to sympathize with someone in trouble. People who volunteer for social services and those that care for people who need extra help are said to be compassionate. Compassion is bigger than love! A compassionate person cares about people around them, whether they know them personally or not.

The road to marriage success/marital happiness starts from the time when young people decide that they are ready for marriage. It is at this point that they need to know a lot about what they are getting into.

Dr Aphys Fade have been helping would-be and married couples in their bid to have a successful, trouble free marriage and marital happiness. He equally helps people in troubled marriages to turn around their marriage

The True Meanings of True Love

We often associate passion with love. However, passion and love are not synonymous. Passion is an emotional state rather violent and powerful that dominates reason. True passion can degenerate into obsession. Love is what survives when the passion fades. The feeling of love is based on knowledge rather than on the attraction and fantasies.

For love to exist and develop, three conditions are necessary. These three conditions must be channeled toward the same person and be reciprocal.


The first condition is admiration. I can only love someone if I admire him or her and if I feel admired by that same person. Admiration is a feeling of joy and fulfillment toward what we consider beautiful, great and noble. There is no love without respect. From the moment we start yelling all kind of stupid things to each other, we are seriously mortgaging our love. We may not always agree with each other, but we must always agree about the fact that the other person is a unique human being, exceptional and worthy of respect and admiration. The decline of admiration is directly proportional to the decrease of love. The loss of wonder and admiration is an exceedingly grave indication, which seriously puts in danger the couple survival.


The second condition is the dreams. Two people who love each other share the same projects, and the same dreams. They are two accomplices who plot their future together: their marriage, buying a house, the arrival of the first child and of the following children, their professional success, their social involvements, their vacations and their retirements... That each member of the couple may have individual dreams different from those of the other, there is no reasons to panic or make a big fuss about it. The individual's dreams should not be limited to the couple's dreams. But shouldn't take precedence over the couple's dreams and joint projects. Starting from the time when one is caught dreaming about another he or she, the end of the common dreams are very close to an end. Every couple is based on two people having their own autonomous respective projects and joint projects. Loving, is dreaming about all the possible things that can be accomplished as a couple. When the man devotes all his energy and all his time to his professional success, and the woman lives only for her children, a distance is created between the two lovers, who may find themselves as foreigners in retirement, as soon as the children are gone.


Finally, love is based on physical attraction and sexual attraction. So the phrase "making love" means sex. To love someone is to desire that person, stick close, touch, caress, interpenetrate, fuse. To love someone is to be attracted physically and intellectually by this person. Does a sexual difficulty or a loss of libido means a loss of love? Sometimes, but not always. But it is a clue that something is happening which the couple must deal with at the earliest time possible in order to survive. Passion, by definition, kills the desire, the same way as a good meal makes hunger disappear. Desire comes from frustration and need. To keep desire well and alive, each person must find a fair distance that allows the desire to continue as (we must eat if we want to survive), but waiting till you are hungry maintains the eating pleasure (Lunch is always good when we are hungry). Taking the other for granted is the surest way to kill love.

How to Attract Guys - 5 Fool-Proof Ways to Draw Men In

Being attractive to men depends partially on the personal preference of the man and partially on ways the woman attempts to make herself attractive. Learning how to attract guys in a subtle manner can draw in men who don't even know they are interested in the woman standing in front of them. Granted, there is a certain knack with sex-appeal that some women possess and others strive to be more in control of, but anyone can learn how attract men.

It may take some time and practice, but it can become second nature in no time at all. Having confidence is a huge part in the entire process. Once a woman is able to feel sure about herself, then everything she tries will be successful. A lack of confidence simply causes too much self-doubt and makes it much harder to learn how to attract guys in a successful way.

A strong sense of confidence improves self-esteem as well and makes the 5 fool-proof ways mentioned below more likely to be successful attempts at really drawing in a large number of male admirers. Knowing how to attract men and then actually putting this knowledge into effect are two different things. There are always books on various methods to use for attracting men, but they are worthless if the information isn't put to good use.

5 fool-proof ways:

• Dress in nice clothing
It's amazing at how much attention a woman can receive with her clothing alone. Dressing in sloppy clothes will also get a woman attention, but not the kind most wish to receive. When heading out on the town, wearing clothing that is form-fitting and alluring will draw the attention of many men. Any clothing that shows off a woman's natural shape tends to cause a man to look a bit longer than usual.

• Wear pleasant-smelling perfume
There are plenty of perfumes today that have a subtle aroma to them. Wearing something that is too overpowering can cause a man to veer away, instead of attracting him. Men are known for being attracted to the scent of cinnamon, which is infused into many types of perfumes.

• Know how to flirt a little
Flirting with a perfect stranger is harmless, when kept to a minimum. A playful flip of the hair or a gentle touch on the arm can stir a man's curiosity in no time at all. Men tend to be more attracted to girls who give them some attention.

• Smile often
Smiling makes a woman seem much more approachable. A man is going to be more likely to try and strike up a conversation with a woman if she is smiling. It doesn't necessarily have to be towards a man, but just pleasantly smiling when speaking to others will draw men in as well.

• Be assertive
Women can be assertive without seeming too forward. Talking to a guy before he initiates the conversation is perfectly acceptable. Many women feel a bit awkward about going up to a guy and being the one to start up a conversation, but many men find this to be very attractive.

Learning how to attract guys can be done in no time at all, when using the 5 ways mentioned above. Just remember to have confidence in these ways and they should work just fine. It's amazing how far even a little bit of confidence can go.

How to Test a Man's Love For You! Here is How to Know Whether His Love is Truly Genuine Or Not

Sometimes you feel that being in love is not enough. You know that you love him and he says that he does too. But you really aren't sure if he is really in love with you or not, so you decide to test him, but how? Here are some of the things that are good enough to test his love for you.

Check his eyes
What is it that you see when you look into his eyes? His eyes give you a glimpse of what is there in his soul and every time that he looks at you do you find his face and his eyes lighting up. If his eyes light up on seeing you he has passed the test of love.

Does he act possessive
Ask one of your office colleagues or one of your friends to act in a slightly flirtatious manner with you in front of your man. See how he reacts. If he accepts the flirting as harmless but still acts a little possessive and jealous then he definitely has passed your love test.

Is he introducing you to his family and friends
Ask him about his friends and family and see how he reacts. Tell him that you would definitely like to meet them someday. See his reaction and gauge. If he is positive about doing so then he has passed.

Is he willing to talk about your future together
Talk about some of your friends getting married or talk of a couple who has grown old together, and see how he reacts to that. If he is willing to talk about your future together with him then he is definitely in love with you.

is he ready to talk about his childhood
Try and talk to him about his childhood and see if he is willing to open up to you. If he willingly talks about it then he loves you enough to let you into his world. If he doesn't then his love for you isn't that advanced yet. With time he will let you into his inner world. You just have to work hard for it.

Is he willing to make a sacrifice for you
Asking a man to make a sacrifice for you is one of the surest ways to test his love for you. Ask him for a small sacrifice like not watching a ball game just to spend time with you. If he is willing to do that to make you happy then he is in love with you.

Can he pass the loyalty test
Ask one of your close friends to hit on him. If he doesn't hit back on her and comes and tells you about it then he has passed the test of love

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men.