Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Modern Girl's Plan to Make Him Fall in Love

Do you believe that a guy can still fall in love in this current world? Have the new rules of dating left you confused? Is love even possible for the younger generation? Do you have a plan of action? Well, there are new rules of dating that are guaranteed to make the guy you have your eyes on fall in love with you.

Years ago, men chose women to be their partners in life based on their skills as a homemaker and their submissively sweet attitudes. Since most women followed along with this mold, outward appearances usually became the main concern as far as the men were concerned. This personality trait has changed over time.

Today, women have evolved and are expected to fill many more roles than in the past. By offering the complete package, which is rare, you can guarantee that your guy will be falling in love with you before you even thought possible.

Basically, you have to start with the former attitudes of the past. It is alright for both men and women to submit to various aspects of the relationship. No one person should be in charge of everything. For that reason, make sure you show off your compromising and listening ear every once in awhile. Let him choose which restaurant for your next date, or spend some conversations just about him where you practice listening and focusing on his opinions.

Next, you add to these traits some newer personality factors from the present day. Women are educated, powerful, and multi-tasking dynamos. By showing your guy that you are an independent girl who can take care of herself, you will be endearing yourself to him. Many women today get this step right and neglect to showcase their softer, more feminine side.

By combining just a few characteristics from the past and present day woman, your guy will soon realize what a treasure he has found. It will only be a matter of time before he is falling in love with you - the perfect package of past and present - today's real modern woman.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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