Sunday, July 11, 2010

Make Him Fall in Love With You in Two Easy Steps

Is there really a way to make a guy fall in love with you? How have other women managed to accomplish this feat? Why are you able to attract men initially, but not see them stick around? The answer can be found in two simple steps that will have any guy you want falling in love with you.

Go With the Flow

Let go of the reins for once in your life and let the guy lead the progress of the relationship at first. He'll appreciate your trust and confidence in him, and who knows, you might enjoy the break from always being in charge. Women are planners and like to run relationships. They typically do a better job at it, so why is this a problem?

For starters, women have completely different timetables for relationships then men. They fall in love more quickly and will usually have the entire wedding planned out before the guy even realizes that they are a couple. It would be extremely undesirable for any man to have this type of schedule thrust upon him when he was just starting to get to know you.

Men also do not want to be told what to do by a bossy girlfriend. By easing up on the progression and just enjoying each day with patience, you can rest assured that he will fall in love with you, according to his timetable. Although guys typically take longer to fall in love than women do, it is possible, and even probable; if they are given the chance to move at their own pace in the beginning.

Show an Interest in Their Interests

This is a relatively easy feat to accomplish, yet it is widely overlooked by many. Ask questions about his job, his family, his friends, his hobbies. Don't ask about his ex-girlfriends. That can come later...much later.

Then follow through with what you have gleaned from your conversations. Write down notes if you have to when you get home, but don't forget to ask questions about things he has previously mentioned. Inquire about his presentation at work he told you about...ask him how his soccer game went. Better yet, GO to his soccer game and force yourself to watch the entire thing.

By following these specific steps, you will have the object of your affections falling in love with you and thanking his lucky stars that he found someone like you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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