Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Three Best Steps to Get Him to Fall in Love

How can you get a guy to fall in love with you? When is the right time to take your relationship to the next level? Is there anything you can do to affect how your guy feels about you? By following three basic steps, you can get the right guy to fall in love; and soon you'll be on your way to relationship bliss.

Receiving Love

The first step is to learn how he receives love. Once you learn what makes him tick, you'll be able to apply specific methods to make him feel special. Then he will feel safe and allow himself to fall in love with you. You will want to put your efforts into the areas that will bring the quickest results. Work smarter, not harder.

For example, some guys would love a written note of appreciation for their friendship with you. They might save the card or even post it somewhere in their home or office. Others would barely notice or possibly lose the card before reading it.

Another kind gesture is grabbing your guy in public for a loving kiss. Again, some guys would love this and take it to mean you are proud of him and like showing him off. A different guy might hate public displays of affection and feel embarrassed by the whole situation. It is immensely important to find out if he prefers words, gifts, PDA, or just your undivided attention.

Don't Be Afraid

You need to open up and allow yourself to be vulnerable with your love interest. This doesn't mean talking about your relationship, but other things going on in your life. He has to feel that you trust him enough to tell him things you are experiencing in your life and not just superficial nonsense. Even if you've been hurt in the past, just open up anyway and remember that this guy has nothing to do with how other people may have responded.

Back Off

Be diligent to make sure you give him the space he needs. Guys typically need more space than girls and you don't want to overwhelm him. If a guy feels smothered or pressured, his main defense mechanism is to run away, and fast. To ensure just the opposite, simply give him plenty of time away if that is what he needs, and don't complain or whine about it later.

If you diligently follow these three steps, you will be setting yourself up for a wonderful and happy relationship with a guy who has found himself falling in love with you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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